Important Nutrition Your Pet Parrot Needs and Where to Get Them

Malnutrition is the biggest cause of parrots getting sick. But don’t freak out; maintaining a nutritious diet will help them avoid these issues. Hence, in the article mentioned, you will learn the important nutrition your pet parrot needs and where to get them from.

Vitamins A, C, and E are the most needed nutrients for a parrot. These vitamins help to sustain their feather, eye, bone, and blood flow. You should always feed them fresh vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts. Most of all, always provide a tray full of purified water.

List of the Important Nutrition Your Pet Parrot Needs

This section provides an overview of nutrition and elements you need to feed your birds. These are an essential part of your pet’s diet. Always include these aspects in your bird’s diet; everything will be fine.

  1. Fruit

Always try to add fruit to your bird’s diet. Because it gives your bird an essential nutrition boost; for example, from fruits, your birds will get Vitamins and minerals that make them healthy. Plus, fruits will make them come in a good mood as well.

Fruits like grapefruit, melon, oranges, bananas, and kiwis are great options. In addition, apples, strawberries, and tomatoes are highly nutritious. Keep a variety when making the feeding plan for your bird.

  1. Insects

Although parrots usually don’t eat insects, it can happen. If your parrot loves to eat insects, then Dubia Roaches are the best option. You could buy them from pet birds stores. Most often, they are clean and do not contain any diseases like wild and home roaches.  

  1. Vegetables

Similar to fruits, vegetables contain more vitamins. Moreover, feeding these will help rejuvenate your bird’s energy. It’s a must to keep vegetables in your diet.

Some of the great vegetables are cucumber, brussel sprouts, broccoli, and green beans. Alternatively, carrots, cauliflower, kale, and sweet potatoes are all excellent choices for your bird’s meal plan.

  1. Water

Like us, parrots and other birds need water regularly. This is why you must add a tray of water to the case. Make sure to place the water tray a bit higher than usual. It would make them eat the water without any hustle.

More so, you should provide purified water to your parrot. Because it prevents your parrot from getting any issues from water bacteria; usually, tap water is not that clean, so keep the water tray full throughout the day with purified water.

  1. Seeds

Parrots love to eat seeds occasionally. They love to eat different sorts of seeds depending on their taste. Usually, seeds include 20 to 50 percent of their overall diet. Hence, you must also keep providing quality seeds in the food tray.

Some good seeds for parrots are barley, flax, hemp, oats, and pumpkin seeds. Other than these, sunflower, poppy, and quinoa seeds are a great option. Mix up at least 3 to 4 different kinds of seeds and serve them to your parrot. In addition, add rice to the seed mix even though it’s not called seeds.

  1. Nuts

Nuts contain nutritious fat for your parrot. But keep in mind, don’t offer nuts as a regular diet. Instead, you should only offer them in limited numbers because the nuts contain high amounts of fat, which can cause problems when consumed regularly.

Some examples of nuts are Cashews, Pine nuts, Walnuts, and Almonds. On the other hand, less-known nuts like Hazelnuts and Macadamia nuts are also good options. While offering these nuts, crack the outer shell at least partially. It would make it easier for your birds to start eating.

Best Vitamins For Parrots

Among the vitamins, Vitamin A is essential for your parrot. It helps your birds to develop healthy eyes and feathers. Plus it helps to build a stronger immune system as well. You must feed your birds ample vegetables to maintain Vitamin A intake.

More so, vitamin C is essential. It helps your parrot build better blood cells and flow. In addition, Vitamin E works as an antioxidant in your parrot’s body. Vitamin D3 is a must to improve your parrot bones and strengthen them.

How To Prevent Malnutrition In Parrots?

The first step is to detect malnutrition in your parrot. Always keep an eye out for signs. For any concerns, go for an organic pallet for your parrot. There are several online organic palette providers that you can subscribe to for regular hassle-free deliveries.

Plus, avoid inserting seeds and nuts into the daily meal of your parrot. Instead, you should only offer them as a treat. Adding fresh vegetables and fruits can also help to avoid any sort of nutritional issues at the same time. Most of all, keep your parrot clean and let them roam under sunlight. It’s more crucial on bigger species like Hyacinth macaw, Moluccan, and African Grey Parrots.


Now you know the important nutrition your pet parrot needs and where to get them. Always try to buy vegetables and fruits fresh from the supermarket. Use an online organic pallet diet provider to keep a variety. Plus, provide purified water in the water tray.

Most of all, you need to pick different types of seeds and mix them up before offering them. Keep seeds, and nuts limited to treats, and avoid adding them to the meal plan of your parrot.


Below are the questions you should know about.

What Are The Vitamins For Parrots Feathers

Vitamins such as Biotin can be a great option to let your parrot grow great-looking feathers. In addition, Vitamin C & E is also essential element to help improve the skin health of your parrot. Do add these vitamins to your parrot.

Are Parrot Nutrition Books Helpful?

Books can be a great way to learn more about the nutrition and diet of Parrot. For example, books like “A Parrot’s Fine Cuisine Cookbook: and Nutritional Guide” can significantly help. It’s simple and to the point.

What Are The Green Parrot Food List?

Fresh vegetables, nuts, and seeds are great options for Green Parrots. Make sure to keep variation on your green parrot diet. Plus, don’t overfeed seeds and nuts because they contain more fat.

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