A Pet Sitter’s Guide For CBD For Anxious Dogs

Navigating the world of pet sitting can lead to uncharted territories, one of them being handling anxious dogs. You might be wondering about the efficacy of CBD for these furry friends. This guide aims to provide an in-depth look into using CBD for managing dog anxiety effectively.

Understand the Use of CBD

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is one of the many compounds derived from the hemp plant. And contrary to popular belief, CBD doesn’t possess the psychoactive properties that cause a ‘high’ as THC does. So, you can be assured it won’t affect the doggie in that manner. 

What makes CBD appealing for pet owners and sitters alike is its promising potential to mitigate anxiety symptoms in dogs. Through interaction with receptors in their bodies, CBD may help to soothe canine anxiety and stress by enhancing their natural calming mechanisms.

Identify Anxiety Signs in Dogs

As a pet sitter, it’s important to be observant about any changes in dog behavior. Dogs can’t communicate their fears or anxieties like people, hence they express it through behaviors. 

These may include excessive barking, destructive habits, aggression, and even compulsive actions like continuous tail-chasing. Unusual bathroom habits or a decreased appetite can also be signs of underlying stress. Any abnormal behavior should be taken as a red flag.

If these symptoms persist or appear severe, incorporating CBD into a pet’s life (with the help of a veterinarian) could potentially help them find relief and regain normalcy.

Choose Quality Products 

Not all CBD products are created equal. Ensure that the product you choose is organic and free from harmful substances like pesticides or heavy metals. An aspect to verify is whether the product has a clear label of its CBD content, so you can administer the correct amount. 

We recommend that you look at this article to get an in-depth look at the best CBD for dogs reviewed by experts. This guide will ensure that you find the best CBD for your clients.

Start With Low Dosages 

When introducing CBD to a dog’s routine, starting cautiously is always advisable. Even though every dog’s reaction to CBD varies based on size, age, and health status, it’s recommended to begin with low doses. As a rule, offer 1-5mg of CBD for every 10 lbs of body weight.

This approach allows you to observe the pet’s reaction and minimizes any risk of adverse effects. If needed, you can gradually increase the dosage until you notice an improvement in managing a dog’s anxiety symptoms. With CBD treatment for dogs, less is often more.

Consult a Vet

While the benefits of CBD for dogs have been widely discussed and observed, it’s essential to remember that comprehensive research on this subject is still ongoing. What we know so far is that 83% of dogs have shown a decrease in stress behaviors after eating CBD chews. 

With that said, you should never start any new treatment regimen, including CBD use, without professional advice. A consultation with a vet can provide valuable insights specific to the pet’s needs and health status. Furthermore, they can give you dosage guidance based on these factors, ensuring that the pet remains safe while harnessing the potential benefits of CBD.

Track The Dog’s Progress

After introducing CBD into a pet’s routine, closely monitor any changes in their behavior and overall wellbeing. Noticeable relief from anxiety symptoms can indicate that the treatment is working effectively. It might be helpful to maintain a journal documenting these observations.

That way, you’ll have a clear timeline of the progress made and an understanding of how well the pet is responding to CBD treatment. Compare notes with your client, if applicable.

In Conclusion… 

Remember that an anxious dog needs your understanding and patience above all. While CBD can potentially help alleviate their distress, never give your client’s dog CBD without their expressed permission. Failing to do so could lead to a very sick pup and/or hefty lawsuits.

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